Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Religious Conformity

Being dedicated to a religion or believing in a higher power may be the only aspect in someone’s life that they may be able to hold on to. Everyone’s vision of religion can be very different depending on the type of person that they are.This is very evident when the author Michael Welch of the article "Christian Religiosity, Self-Control and Social Conformity" explains how the idea of conformity can change someones beliefs very quickly due to self control or others actions. Religion is a very touchy subject, because of the views such as abortion and believing in life after death and more. Although a variety of religions have these same aspects, others do not so most people conform into a religion. I feel that conforming into a religion that YOU want is what is really important when making a decision of this extent. However even though that in my opinion is a sensible choice, others may think otherwise and just conform into religion based on others choices. For instance, in the play The Crucible by Arthur Miller Tituba doesn't believe in the lord, but goes against her beliefs when forced to say that she does, to protect herself and the group of girls. I feel that the play connects very well to the issue of conformity because of the religious aspect of the play itself. In my opinion that is a big example of conforming into a religion that goes against somebody’s beliefs, and even personality and personal opinion as well.

(article credit)

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