Tuesday, May 29, 2012

An Expectation or a Choice?

Unifying males and females can be difficult when it comes to coexisting in the educational atmosphere. Well, according to the article "Gender 'non-conformity' tied to abuse..." this may be true even in places such as someones household. For instance, females who dress apart from the way they are "supposed" to dress then they get criticized and abused for something they may not even be able to really control. In my point of view for both genders; male and female, dressing according to your gender whether it be girly or masculine is more like an expectation than a choice in that matter. According to some parents they feel that they are knocking some sense into their children by abusing them, trying to change their personality of way of being, which really it is not a matter of changing your personality because you can't change who you are even if you truly wanted to. Conforming into a gender should not be an expectation based on the body you represent but the soul you seek to find male or female, its your choice to decide.Having to conform into a gender may be equally as tough or even worse to fit into then it was to prove to yourself that you didn't feel comfortable in your own body.

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